Mr. Murtha: Blogs One, Right-wing Goons Zero
Posted by Lorelei Kelly
If the blogs have their way, the Right's political goonsquad will have to fight in the cyber-gutter before getting their screeds into the regular media. Last week, left leaning blogs were afire with the news that a seamy team of operatives was purchasing a domain name ( and getting ready to smear Congressman John Murtha-- using tactics similar to the Swift Boat Veterans for "Truth" (my quotes). Yes, those of the scornful purple band-aids at the GOP convention--mocking Senator Kerry's service (a display that so angered my veteran father that he swore off the GOP for life). Here are some of the links that give background on this impending assault. Raw Story and the Agonist provide overview and context while Taylor Marsh ties it to Members of Congress and their staff. A Kos contributor rounds it off with some creepy tie-ins to international arms dealing. And who is supposed to benefit from this electronic mud wrestle? The person running against Mr. Murtha in November.
Say you come across one of these goons and he or she starts talking smarmy about Mr. Murtha's service record. Here's what you say in response:
Are you calling the military incompetent, awarding ribbons to those who don't deserve them?
Do you realize that you are are tainting every servicemember's medals, by suggesting that their medals might be fraudulently awarded?
Then you say: Well, you can believe what you like, but I BELIEVE THE MARINE CORPS.
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