Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld Debate: Who is a true Conservative?
Posted by Lorelei Kelly
During the Cold War, foreign policy stopped at the water's edge. For the most part, elected leaders, in a common cause against an ideological foe, abandoned partisanship to join a united American democratic ideal. Well, those days are really over. Late last week the House GOP leadership demonstrated that the water could be a reeking sewer and they'll still take off their shoes and jump right on in.
After last Thursday's Supreme Court ruling (Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld) that rejected the Bush administration's plan to try Guantanamo detainees before military commissions, Majority Leader Boehner attacked Democrats who-- upon hearing the ruling-- praised the Rule of Law and acknowledged the importance of cautiously moving forward in the realm of post 9/11 international justice. Boehner and the GOP echo chamber pounced-- accusing the Democrats of wanting "special rights for terrorists" while acknowledging how this talking point would rally the conservative base for November 06. Time to take the gloves off. There is a difference between politics and policy. Congressional conservatives--in a fit of self-hate for their own institution-- are attacking our constitution. Their disgraceful talking points are a one-two punch-- for in "rallying" their base, they undermine another great American institution as well--the US military.
This breed of politically partisan rhetoric is not "just politics" . There are no exuses for political talking points that rationalize threats to the foundation of American democracy. True conservatives everywhere should read this interview by Reagan appointee Bruce Fein as a call to take their party back.
Today's conservatives in power (as opposed to real conservatives) love to brag about how they value the military, but the truth is they have few military values.
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