Best State of the Union Moments-Yep, in Advance
Posted by Heather Hurlburt
In addition to the domestic policy you know about, there will be serious and important words on Afghanistan, nuclear weapons, cybersecurity, global poverty and climate change tonight. I'll write on that later, but here's what will keep you on the edge of your seat:
1. Who gets more tv cutaways, Ted Nugent or Michelle Obama?
2. Does Ted Cruz look even remotely abashed after his un-freshman-like outburst at the Armed Services Committee Hagel vote this afternoon? It's probably too much to hope that he's seen with McCain on national tv. If this happens, drain your alcoholic beverage and thank the tv gods.
3. Come to think of it, do the Teds meet? What does that look like?
4. In his response, does Marco Rubio repeat his summer Brookings approach of criticizing his own party more than the President? Of calling for diplomacy with Iran, and closer ties with allies?
5. Ditto Rand Paul, only never at Brookings. What can he say on national security that his own party agrees with? Stay sober enough to track this.
6. Drink every time a commentator who has never been to South Asia says "fighting season" while discussing Afghanistan.
7. If you want to be sure to sober up in time to drive home, only drink when GOP respondents say "Afghanistan."