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December 08, 2009

Loya Jirga as Dayton?
Posted by Patrick Barry

Senator Wicker (D - Miss.) asks Ambassador Eikenberry a loaded question about President Karzai's calls for a Loya Jirga, and whether the Taliban would be invited to participate in such a convention.

Eikenberry dodges a bit, deferring to the Afghan government, and stating that the purpose of the Loya Jirga would be for the Karzai government to regain the confidence of the Afghan people, after an election that many regarded as flawed.  Whether elements of the insurgency would participate is a question for the Afghan government, not the U.S.

On the issue of elements of the Taliban rejoining Afghan society, Eikenberry is a little more forthcoming. So long as the conditions for Taliban re-integration remain the severing of ties to terrorists, the renouncement of violence, and respect for the Afghan constitution, then such an approach would find support from the U.S., at least according to Eikenberry. 

What I think remains unresolved is how the U.S. will ensure that these conditions are fulfilled, without more actively involving itself in a process that right now it seems content to hand over to the Afghan government. 


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I would say according to the presidential decree on the Loya Jirga, final approval of the draft constitution will be by simple majority. Introducing a new article requires a two-thirds' majority...

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