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December 09, 2009

How can we improve our relationship with the Pakistan?
Posted by The Editors

This post is by NSN Executive Assistant Luis Vertiz

Chairman John Kerry opened his the question portion of the SFRC hearing by asking the panelists to elaborate on our relationship and efforts with Pakistan. General David Petraeus said that the history of distrust between the United States and Pakistan, particularly from the Pakistani side, should not be underestimated. But what  was needed from Petraeus' answer was more elaboration on the concrete, confidence-building measures that are being discuss or being implemented that will help improve our mil-mil relationship with the Pakistani government.

It's important that the Pakistan military and its security forces [the ISI included], have a closer working relationship with the United States in order to build more confidence between nation that seek to question each other's policy for the region. However, improving our relationship with Pakistan should start with cooperation against Taliban and Al Qaeda extremists, but it shouldn't stop there. Perhaps it's this need for a new, creative policy towards Pakistan that was a bit beyond the reach of General Petraeus' answer. 


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After Partition of India and Pakistan, No member of a minority can hold the highest office in Pakistan under its present constitution. No Hindu has held any portfolio in the Central Government during the past several years, much less responsible appointments in the Police or defence services. No Hindu has held the office of a Chief Justice or a Judge or similar other positions. Whereas, in India Muslims are living in peacefully and they are moving like brothers of all Indian communities. Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam was the eleventh President of India, and Dr.Zakir Hussain was the third President of India In his inaugural speech he said that the whole of India was his home and all its people were his family.
Pakistan must also come forward to give suitable positions to the needy Indians in Pakistan and they must be treated like their brethren’s.

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