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October 14, 2009

Who Loves America More?
Posted by Michael Cohen

As is so often the case, I'm not crazy about this Politico headline, but the content works! Below is my latest op-ed, arguing that out of partisan fury Republicans are risking losing the debate on national security:

Twenty-five years ago, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick famously lambasted Democrats as “blame America firsters” and a party plagued by “self-criticism and self-denigration” of America. It was a speech at pace with an emerging political stereotype that suggested Democrats weren’t quite patriotic enough and didn’t love their country as much as Republicans did. This image of Democratic weakness and self-doubt became one of the most effective attack lines for Republicans — and Democrats’ greatest political liability.

But today the tables are turning. Democrats have narrowed the Republican advantage on national security. They are seen as more effective when it comes to improving global respect for America and working closely with the country’s allies. And in a poll result that would have raised eyebrows only a few years ago, President Barack Obama is more trusted on foreign policy than he is on the economy and health care. Today, more than seven in 10 Americans consider him a strong leader.

A look across the aisle tells a more sobering tale for Republicans. Conservative leaders have been lambasted for cheering America’s defeat for losing the 2016 Olympics and disparaging an American president’s receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. Others can decide whether charges of unpatriotic and un-American behavior launched by the Democratic National Committee against Republicans are appropriate, but the very fact that the DNC felt it had the ammunition to launch such an attack speaks volumes about the changing political dynamics of national security.



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Who Loves America More?:

A look across the aisle tells a more sobering tale for Republicans.

Thank you for your sharing.! seslichat seslisohbet

Yes, that's cool. The device is amazing! Waiting for your next one!

Your stuff cleared my all doubts about the issue.I would like to list that democrats won 56 percent of votes cast for major-party House candidates in 2008, compared with 44 percent for Republicans-a 12-point spread.

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