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April 08, 2009

GOP Finally Agrees With Obama on Ending the War in Iraq
Posted by Adam Blickstein

Today, after years of political fighting, opportunism, maneuvering, obfuscation and obstruction, the GOP has finally agreed that it is time to begin drawing down American forces in Iraq. By standing beside Obama's timeline for ending America's combat mission in Iraq, and agreeing with a wide majority of the American people that the war there should start to wind down, Eric Cantor today clearly spelled out the Republican Party's position:

The GOP has the obligation to be the honest opposition. When we believe the president is correct - for example, in his handling of Iraq policy - we will stand with him. But when he and congressional Democrats put forward an agenda we fear will deal a blow to American prosperity, we will speak out and offer the country a better vision for the future.

Quite an incredible turnaround for a party that just months ago nominated someone who wanted troops to stay in Iraq 100 years.


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Ah, but if you believe a politician's promise then you will believe anything.

Ah, but if you believe a politician's promise then you will believe anything

Ah, but if you believe a politician's promise then you will believe anything

Ah, but if you believe a politician's promise then you will believe anything

Great comments! You are so nice, man! You never know how much i like'em!

Yes, that's cool. The device is amazing! Waiting for your next one!

The US can't set any economic policy without China playing its essential role of buying up our debt...

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