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February 04, 2009

NSN Daily Update 2/4/09
Posted by The National Security Network

See today's complete daily update, "New Challenges with Old Roots," here.

What We’re Reading

Former Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi appears to have made gains in the provincial elections.  Iraq will investigate allegations of voter fraud in Anbar province.

Taliban fighters torched 10 trucks returning from Afghanistan that had been stranded by the destroyed bridge.

Former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami has reportedly decided to run for the presidency again in Iran’s June elections.

The U.S. military knew of safety issues with Humvees since 1994, almost ten years before they were used in Iraq.

Commentary of the Day

Spencer Ackerman takes apart Dick Cheney’s interview in Politico.

George Friedman writes about the challenges of getting supplies to the war in Afghanistan and some strategic implications.

Perry Link looks at the possible benefits of the financial crisis for the Chinese people.

Martin Wolf discusses the importance of U.S. leadership in the financial crisis.


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