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September 02, 2008

"Engaging" the Middle East
Posted by Shadi Hamid

In response to my post last week on the need to "engage better" rather than "engage less" with the Middle East, Greg Scoblete at RealClearWorld comments:

At what point will the failure to finesse properly the politics of hundreds of million of people of varying cultures, sectarian devotions and tribal loyalties half a world away be credited to the impossibility of the task and not the inadequacy of the tools?

To the extent that the Middle East is "screwed up," it's because the region has been the scene of so much "engagement" by great powers throughout its history. Why not try something novel for a change?

Two good questions, and I think some of commenters here at DA had similar concerns. I'll answer the second one first. Yes, "why not try something novel for a chance?" That's exactly what I've been asking for a long time. Over the past five decades, the U.S. has had a fairly consistent approach to the Middle East - support pliable "pro-West" dictatorships at the expense of Arab publics. We helped overthrow at least one democratically-elected government in 1953, and we stood silently while another one was overthrown in 1991. Today, even under the supposedly pro-democracy Bush administration, the vast majority of Middle Eastern authoritarian regimes receive economic, political, or military support from us (including Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, the UAE, and now, it seems, Libya).

There was only one very brief period of around 10 months in 2004-5 when the U.S. actually tried to pressure Arab regimes to democratize. The results were positive, but we never followed through. In short, with only one real exception, the U.S. has not tried something novel. We haven't yet given democracy promotion a chance. Getting serious about democracy is precisely the kind of novel change we should be pushing for. Anything else is just business as usual, and, as Greg notes, it hasn't worked. 

As for Greg's first question, the goal, in my view, is not to "finesse" the politics of hundreds of millions of Arabs and Muslims. The goal is simpler (at least in theory): it's about helping give Arabs and Muslims the right to make their own choices, to choose their own governments, and to raise their kids the way they see fit without fear of government persecution. I don't see this as "meddling," because it's something Arabs themselves want. For example, somewhat remarkably, 90% of Jordanians agree or strongly agree that “democracy may have problems, but it’s better than any other form of government" (World Values Survey). Strong support for democratic governance is the case across the board. The Project on Middle East Democracy actually just released a report on this issue, discussing Middle Eastern attitudes toward democracy and U.S. democracy promotion policy. It's worth looking at if you have some time.

For their part, Egyptian and Jordanian opposition leaders, whether they are liberal, secularist, leftist or Islamist, are all demanding real political reform, and most of them understand that the U.S. is an important part of the solution, if only because it's currently a major part of the problem. They see the U.S. as being an obstacle to political reform, so democracy will only come if, somehow, America recognizes that mistake and removes itself as an obstacle, and gets on the right side of change. The message I hear from nearly everyone is: stop supporting our dictatorships! So, even if we don't want to "meddle" by promoting democracy, let's at least stop promoting the opposite.

Beyond this very clear goal of expanding democratic space for all political actors, I have no interest in turning Arabs into Americans, or interfering in "cultural production." That obviously doesn't work, and perhaps that's what Greg is worried about.Hope this clears things up. 


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I think it would be helpful to clarify your point. Are you calling for the US to support democracy or only certain outcomes that result from having elections? What should the US have done when the Algerian military voided the elections of December 1991?

I think the answeer to David Billington's question is that the United States should have accepted blame and apologized. After that, the American goverment should have leaned all over the Algerian government to cede power to the Islamists who had gotten more votes. Finally, after the Islamists finished shuttering churches, shooting all their political opponents and forbidding any further elections, the United States should have accepted blame and apologized for that, too. Because there is nothing wrong with Arabs, and since all their problems are obviously America's fault we can't be thinking of turning them into Americans.

Zathras, if you're going to make speculative statements about what FIS would have done in power, then please back it up. You said, "after the Islamists finished shuttering churches, shooting all their political opponents and forbidding any further elections." So I'm curious, what evidence do you have for these claims?


Thank you for your post featuring Greg Scoblete's 18th century remarks about " people half a world away" - "the impossibility of the task" and "the inadequacy of the tools." Mr. Scoblete forgets that we live in the jet age. Three cheers for the question "Why not try something novel for a change?" Isn't it astonishing that even with the Djerejian Report, the Defense Science Board, CFR, and Pew breathing down their necks, U.S. public diplomacy can't get it together and "try something novel for a change?"

Shadi, you mention the phrase " the goal is simpler." I agree. It may be overly simplistic, but my take is the gateway to the "hearts and minds" of 1.4 billion people in the Arab and Muslim world already exists!
There is no need to sail a Trojan Horse across the oceans to countries "half way around the world." The gateway is the satellite dish. For starters, send a message to 100 million people in the Arab and Muslim world. A message that contains the nucleus of democracy: hope.

All America needs to do is find a credible messenger: a Ben Franklin type character. The recent Wall Street Journal interview with MIT Media Lab's Alex "Sandy" Pentland gives a clue of what type of messenger might be suitable for the job.

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