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April 03, 2008

What Do You Get for Your Money: Iraq vs. Afghanistan vs. post-war Germany in constant dollars
Posted by Heather Hurlburt

Our friend Jonathan Morgenstein, of Third Way, formerly of USIP, soon to be again of the Marine Corps in Iraq undertook an exercise that I have not seen elsewhere:  comparing US aid expenditures in postwar Germany, Iraq and Afghanistan in constant dollars.

The results suggest again how badly we have under-prioritized Afghanistan, where Al Qaeda is; and how badly we have managed our expenditures in Iraq.  Hat tip to Jonathan and his colleagues for doing the math.

In West Germany between June 1945 and July 1952 we spent $3.3 billion which equates to about $28.875 billion in 2008 dollars:  $577 per German, $82 per German each year.

From 2003 – 2008 our first six years in Iraq, we will have spent $26.4 billion on reconstruction and development, versus $7 billion for 2001-2008 expected expenditure in Afghanistan.

$228 dollars per Afghan, $33 per Afghan each year.

$160 per Iraqi each year

So per year in constant dollars:  Iraqis-$160, Germans-$82, Afghans-$33


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