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April 02, 2008

A Shout-Out to Joe Klein
Posted by Michael Cohen

Over the years, Joe Klein has taken some hits in the liberal blogosphere, but his takedown of Fred Kagan's wackiness in the pages of Weekly Standard deserves some love:

On the day that John Yoo's remarkable torture memo is released, this foolishness is a reminder that none of these people--none of the vicious, mendacious, naive, simplistic, unapologetic, neo-colonialist ideologues who promulgated this disaster--should have even the vaguest claim on the time or tolerance of fair-minded people. Fred Kagan's certainty is an obscenity, his claim to expertise a farce.

Damn, someone spiked Joe's Wheaties!


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Thank you for your sharing! I like i very much!

Klein would be so much better off pointing out the basic ignorance of the prowar position, the sheer foolishness of anyone's thinking that decapitating a government from the outside leads to peace, the stupidity of confusing war and stability, the endless idiocy of the US's constantly supporting thugocracies. These characteristics are the necessary ones for figuring out US policy.

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The nuclearized bipolar ideological competition gave a differential rationale and context for stability. We shouldn't be completely dismissive of stability as a consideration (viz Iraq). The stubborn central fact remains, though, there are limits to how much you can compel or propel democratization. As every serious practitioner in that area will remind you, they're in the business of democracy support, not democracy promotion. In its nature, this is an opportunistic affair.

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This is a smart blog. I mean it. You have so much knowledge about this issue, and so much passion. You also know how to make people rally behind it, o

would be so much better off pointing out the basic ignorance of the prowar position, the sheer foolishness of anyone's thinking that decapitating a government from the outside leads to peace, the stupidity of confusing war and stability, the endless idiocy of the US's constantly supporting thugocracies. These characteristics are the necessary ones for figuring out US policy.

And that”s kind of my point. Microsoft has a stake in quite a few different platforms, and we want to be #1 in all of them —

Except that SL and HTML 5 are both screwdrivers. The monoculture argument still stands though.

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