So in tonight's debate, McCain said this (this is from my own ears, not from a transcript so caveat auditor)
“I am convinced that if we fail and we have to withdraw they will follow us home, it will be a base for Al Qaeda….there is no doubt in my mind that this will become a base for terrorism and there will be chaos in the region. "
And here we have yet again the Republicans planning for the "stab in the back" meme when we inevitably leave Iraq in a mess. Then, if there is ever a subsequent attack on these shores, not only will Republicans try to blame us for losing the war, but for making us less safe.
But this is just ignorance. The only thing empowering Al Qaeda in Iraq is our presence. The Iraqi people seem to hate Al Qaeda. It is, after all, Al Qaeda more than any other group that has engaged in a massive suicide bombing campaign that has bled all three major ethnic groups (although primarily Shia).
If we leave Iraq, McCain is right about one thing. There will be chaos in the country. But in the midst of it, things will quickly go badly for AQI. They cannot make a compromise with the majority Shia, and the Kurds hate them. Their support among Sunnis has never been strong. The Iraqis will take them out, faster and more brutally and more capably than we could. I suppose if no government establishes any civil order for more than a year in Anbar, we might see a small terrorist rump state develop, but even that would be short lived. There will be no Taliban-state in Iraq for any length of time.
And McCain was also right in his ringing (and rehearsed and recycled) line about "presidents don't lose wars, parties don't lose wars, nations lose wars." Yes, they do, wars that unwise presidents and corrupt and clueless parties choose, in this case.
Our loss in Iraq will be rightfully perceived as a grave defeat for America. But there is no victory plan worthy of the name, so we are destined for defeat, now or soon or in the long term. Ilan's blistering and prescient evisceration of Petraeus' coming report is spot-on. We are strong enough that we can choose the timing and the nature of our defeat. That is all the choice Bush has left us. In my work for the State Department, I think I've met well over 30 Iraqis here in Washington. I've shaken hands with mayors from each of the three main groups, and even some Chaldean Christian leaders from Iraq. And since 2003, they all asked me if we would stay. I have been warning them since 2004 that we might not. I want to retch every time I think that part of our leaving will mean that many of those people and their families will be lined up against a wall and shot (if they're lucky, without torture preceding that). Executed because they trusted George W. Bush and America to get this right.
When that happens, expect McCain and others to blame the Democrats for their deaths. However, it is this administration and the war supporters in both parties who really will have those brave Iraqis' blood on their hands.