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May 08, 2007

Feith, Tenet and the War of the Roses
Posted by Ilan Goldenberg

So clearly George Tennt and Doug Feith hate each other’s guts.  Feith’s review of Tenet’s book says it all.  So does the fact that Tenet moved his office at Georgetown to get away from Feith.  But here’s a hilarious tidbit.  In the Hoya, the Georgetown Newspaper, there is an article from when Feith first joined Georgetown.  Attached is a Correction which reads as follows:

The article "Douglas Feith Hired as Visiting SFS Professor" incorrectly stated that Feith had a close relationship with George Tenet since their time serving together in the Bush administration. Feith maintained a close relationship with Tenet while they both served in the administration, not after.

Can we ponder for a moment how this correction came to be?  If I were a CIA analyst, speculating based on limited information, I would conclude that most likely the man who used to run the Central Intelligence Agency took the time to call up a student reporter and say to him, “Take that back.  I hate that guy.  He is not my friend.”  Now that is some seriously petty hatin’.

Footnote:  I could be wrong.  It’s only an estimate and reasonable people may speculate about other theories.


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I wouldn't want to be mistaken for a friend of either Feith or Tenet.

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The article is nice and worth reading,thanks for the post.

Feith maintained a close relationship with Tenet while they both served in the administration, not after.

George Tennt and Doug Feith hate each other’s guts,i didn't knew that..and also that Feith maintained a close relationship with Tenet while they both served in the administration, not after....

Well, i dont understand why they both hate each other now! its all about jealousy.AS EARLIER, Feith had a close relationship with George Tenet since their time serving together in the Bush administration. Feith maintained a close relationship with Tenet while they both served in the administration.

They ponder for a moment how this correction came to be? Thanks

Well there is an article from when Feith first joined Georgetown. Thanks

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Thanks for the post. This keeps me informed about the topic.

The Bush administration. Feith maintained a close relationship with Tenet while they both served in the administration..

hey buddy,this is one of the best posts that I’ve ever seen; you may include some more ideas in the same theme. I’m still waiting for some interesting thoughts from your side in your next post.

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Feith had a close relationship with George Tenet since their time serving together in the Bush administration.

Good to know that Feith maintained a close relationship with Tenet while they both served in the administration, not after.But now George Tennt and Doug Feith hate each other’s guts....

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