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February 01, 2007

First Ever Muslim in Israel's Cabinet
Posted by Shadi Hamid

This is a big deal:

Flanked by two bodyguards courtesy of the Israeli secret service, Raleb Majadele cruised through the corridors of Israel's parliament, the Knesset, as admirers and adversaries stopped to wish the country's first Arab Muslim minister well on his first day on the job.


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I guess it depends on what your definition of is is.

Worth pointing out that 60 years into its existence as a "democratic" state the idea of allowing a member of Israel's largest non-Jewish minority into the Israeli government produced a revolt of nearly half of the coalition governments LEFT-WING mainstream party.

Who's leadership by a member of the largest Jewish minority (or persecuted majority, depending on who you ask), Arab Jew Amir Peretz, was widely considered to be a major step forward a year ago.

If Jewish Israelis can't conceive of an Israel with, say, a Palestinian Prime Minister, what incentive do Palestinian citizens have to participate in the state?

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