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October 25, 2006

Notes from the Road
Posted by Lorelei Kelly

Still on the road with baby in tow...On Sunday, I watched the Chinese boat swamp at the famed Head of the Charles regatta in Boston. Right beneath the Elliot Bridge it went down with the entire crew...valiantly trying to keep it going forward. Maybe our fears of a rising Chinese navy are premature?  The launch boat was really slow to the rescue, and Notre Dame lost a chunk of time, but everyone got out okay.

Two noteable items from this past week:

The world public opinion poll that found seven in ten Americans favor Congressional candidates who  will pursue major changes in US foreign policy, want less emphasis on use of military force to solve problems and want to work more cooperatively with the United Nations.  Most favor direct talks with North Korea and Iran to boot!

And this article by Kevin Tillman--the brother of Pat Tillman  (pro football player turned Army Ranger) who was killed in Afghanistan in 2004. It is a concise and raw summary of where we've been these past five years.


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