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July 14, 2005

No Excuses
Posted by Lorelei Kelly

Well, I thought I could write something this evening about the Irregular Warfare conference that I attended Monday and Tuesday at Quantico, VA Marine Corps Headquarters.  Instead, however, having just taken a flight from DC to New Orleans to visit southern kin and having just returned from Jacques Imo's restaurant where I got to choose from a menu that included amberjack with mojo sauce and something called Godzilla meets the green tomatoes (this is a batter fried soft shell crab atop an empire state building of tomatoes) and having just taken a pause from listening to a song called "Fat Shrimp" at the Maple Leaf Bar, and jumped at the chance for ten minutes on a powerbook, I don't think I can do justice to the Marine Corps at the moment.

Suffice it to say that the Irregular Warfare conference gave me much hope and encouragement that our military institutions are growing and changing  and learning many lessons despite the hardships of high tempo deployment and the Cold War additctions of the US Congress.  And, not surprisingly, the Marine Corps is leading the way to a modern understanding of how to fight wars in an era of globalization.  The Marines are progressive traditionalists--or perhaps traditional progressives is a better way to put it. A scrappy and inventive group, the Marines are updating their storied Small Wars manual to better reflect how the world has changed.  One theme of the conference was that war remains unchanged--it is still a contest of wills between enemies. What has changed is the technology available to impose said will.  Moreover, defeating today's enemies will require far more than policy made at the pointy end of the spear. Prevention is key.

The Marines have been expeditionary since their 1775 genesis--and so it is in their very nature to lead the way in figuring out how to fight in an era when large massed combat will be replaced by hundreds of conflicts--often taking place far away from US borders and at the level of the individual.   Another common theme of the conference was the need for far more investments in understanding culture, psychology, anthropology and other social sciences.  Oddly, these discussions reminded me of the recent comments of Karl Rove--that pouty scamp and national security risk--who resides in the White House and makes pronouncements about how liberals want to give therapy to terrorists. Well, Karl should hang out at Quantico to realize just how ridiculous he is.  The Irregular Warfare conference covered everything from group dynamics to social bonding to understanding the identities, motivations and intentions of terrorists.  Seems that achieving victory in the age of terror is going to require a lot of time on the couch for everyone.

I'm going to lose my turn at the powerbook in 30 seconds, but promise to write more about what I learned at Quantico before I head North.


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Wow, that sounds like an incredible conference. I can't wait to read the full report.

When you do could you expand on the idea that the Marines are "traditional progressives?" I've noticed the same thing myself (which is one reason why I'm trying to draft a retired 4-star Marine to run as a Democrat) but I'm curious how his views (Anthony Zinni) relate to the Marines in general...


I too look forward to your report. In the meantime, I wonder if you could address two concerns.

"One theme of the conference was that war remains unchanged--it is still a contest of wills between enemies. What has changed is the technology available to impose said will. Moreover, defeating today's enemies will require far more than policy made at the pointy end of the spear. Prevention is key."

The British who fought the Malayan insurgency concluded that preventing insurgency would require the government of a country at risk to hold itself to a certain standard across a spectrum of public responsibilities. If that is still true, then countries that do not voluntarily reform or hold themselves to the necessary standard will pose a problem from the standpoint of prevention. Did the conference address the difficulties arising from cases like these?

"Another common theme of the conference was the need for far more investments in understanding culture, psychology, anthropology and other social sciences."

The social sciences deal with typologies and synchronic models intended to explain the behavior of groups. The peoples and cultures that concern us right now also require a qualitative understanding that is closer to the study of history than to social science (the two have opposite methodologies even though they both use each other to some extent). I gather that the conference urged both approaches but I wonder if the historical contingency of the present was fully underlined. Many more Islamic nations may acquire nuclear weapons over the next twenty years. Did the conference discuss the future in terms of different contingencies such as this one?

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I would like to say thanks for the time you took compiling this article. You’ve enlightening for me. I have forwarded this to a friend of mine.

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